Monday, May 5, 2008

Shahid El Bukhari Mahajatak

Shahid El Bukhari Mahajatak is the one in Bangladesh who can thought about the country without any profit. He motivated many people to do something good about the poor people of Bangladesh and he started the social work before from 1990. Shahid El Bukhari Mahajataq developed Quantum Method Meditation Course and has conducted 268 courses.

The Quantum Method Meditation Course is a four-day course that provides basic training in Quantum Method – the ‘science of living’. It is a combination of meditation techniques and life principles that, if applied, will bring peace, health, happiness and success to your life.
Since it's beginning in 1993, the course has been enormously successful and popular in Bangladesh. It is the first meditation or self empowerment course to complete 225 consecutive batches in Bangladesh— which itself is a testament to its popularity. Participants have come from all walks of life: 70 year old men and 12 year old children, professors and students, artists and religious leaders, politicians and journalists, housewives and teenagers, professionals and frustrated job seekers, famous celebrities and ordinary workers all sit together to take part in the course. Thousands of experiences reported by the participants testify to its effectiveness.

Over 40,000 people in Bangladesh are involve to work with him, and all of them love him very much, for his honesty, for his good work all the people are motivated to do work with him.

In Bandarban, Lama, there is a big orphanage where over 300 children live and they are conducted under him. These 300 children also know how to do meditation and how to behave with others. They are very gentle and kind. Many types of programs held on there, for the help of the poor people, because there most of the people are illiterate and for them Shahid El Bukhari work there. For his social work, most people came to him and join with him. He is the one who couldn't want to circular his name to anyone, that I am doing this, this and this. He said that, "I am doing work for the almighty only, so if allah see me what am I doing, there is no need to circular my name to anybody, I want to do work in silence."

So for this reason, he is a great celebrity in my eyes and also into the Quantum Graduates.


amarbangla said...

dont say free anymore, you have earned TK. 1,19,00,000.00 from 1700 people on the date 6,7,8,9 august,2010.

Mydul Fahad said...

Guruji, i have sent yuo an email by the website mail address... and i am -very longly- waiting for an answer........ and i m a little afraid too.... if i have made a mistake

Asif Hossain said...

I am Asif Hossain. I want to give a reply to amarbangla. @amarbangla : The amount you told is not paid by one individual. It was paid by 1700 people and every individual paid their own amount, i.e. Tk.7500. And if you say, what happened to this huge amount of money, everyone in quantum family would reply you to take a trip in Lama, Banderban. You will see there how wisely money is spent for the well-being of the huamnity And, another thing, our Guruji does not take any amount from the course or from the organisation.

Okal Mortobasi said...


I've read one of your books which describes about "I-Ching". I've tried it for me several times and now i'm confused abt the answer.
wht can i do...

Saiful said...

Nice post.
Saiful -

Unknown said...

in the quantum method, most of the things are good. Besides, some of the things need more attention.i am a quantum graduate who attended this course to get rid of migraine but actually this course did not help me much. of course it helped me to start thinking about getting inside my mind but only this much. the bullish things told in this method about curing our problems is simply making fun with the persons loaded with troubles who look for a solution at any cost and are ready to spend money or do anything. quantum does not teach us to think about the trouble through which we can get an idea of the way of relief. it teaches us to neglect the trouble which is simply cheating. it generates further trouble for us as we say foul things in the command center and think that everything is okay but nothing really changes.only the density of problem worsens for our neglect to tackle the things. for this matter,apart from the teaching of the quantum, i am following my own way of solving things.during meditation,i start thinking about the troubles i am facing now and the grief involved in those. and thinking about my pains shows me the way to solve those. for example, if i am confused about attending more than one occasions in the same time, i start thinking about this from all angles and compare different aspects and importance of those. and finally this analysis helps me to choose any of those thus giving a relief. if it happens so that both are important,in that case this analysis helps me find out how to manage it best.but quantum says us to neglect problems as if they do not exist and think that everything is solved which is a weird matter.a person who practices so may grow hypertension

Unknown said...

as s/he finds thyself in deep sea without having any solution. but if that person concentrate on the things which needs a solution,thinks about it how this thing popped up,may find a solution to it and the way to be followed in future.and we should also try to see what causes irritation within our mind and look for the reasons as well and the way of its development which will surely guide us to the way of solution which is mostly needed,not the fake things which quantum teaches and by this takes away millions from our pocket.our honorable PM is trying the best to help in solving the long outstanding troubles we are facing but quantum is leading us to the one of the workshop i attended for 900 tk,i found the guru mocking at a person saying him as a stupid who asked for a solution as he is in deep crisis after giving 70 lacs to his relatives who made him called command center could not could have easily asked for help from the officials present there for that person which he did not proves that quantum is for business,not

Unknown said...

mankind.after doing the course,everyone think that all are fine without striving for the solution which further deepens the trouble. i did the quantum exercise course as well where i asked the instructor that how the name is quantum as these things are very much in practice from ancient period in this subcontinent which was invented by the Drabid monks.the instructor could not shamelessly the quantum foundation is claiming these as their inventions. nobody knows what happens to the crores of dollars collected every year through the different activities of the quantum which i think that the NBR should investigate thoroughly. now i am quite okay as i am following my own way of understanding my problems and seeking for a solution in the name of Allah,the almighty, which helps me to understand the things in full along with the path of solutions.i can understand what are the things i should do or remain away and in which way to do those,what are the impact of those and what i am left with to try for the solution.i also think about the things i got to face and put me psychologically in the scenario and think what worse may happen to me during the gives me tremendous confidence to overcome the issues boldly.

Unknown said...

if anyone likes to clarify anything,please feel free to post your thought in please..........

Unknown said...

do you people think that this huge amount of money collected every year is spent after the lama children only.good amount of personal grant also arrives in their name apart from the collection of Matir Bank and other projects. are we all fool to believe this fabricated data???

Unknown said...

look at the condition of mr.mydul, this is the confused situation quantum creates instead of generating now you decide what you want to become, a confused mind or a confidant one?????

Anonymous said...

Well said.completely with you..

Anonymous said...

Lama is just an Eye wash to bag some more papers(money) from the foreign doners..hahahahahaha

Unknown said...

@Sakib Mahmud

This is from your Guruji's YouTube Channel

Special Dimensions of Realization
Preparation for Participating in the Realization Course
• Participating in Quantum Method Course Rejuvenation at least twice.
• Completing three series of Quantaions. Three days of Quantaion in Lama will be considered equal to 2 series.
• Completing the Quantum Healing & Psyche Course. Prothomaion Course and Quantum Student Course (if you are a student).
• Practicing Quantum Yoga on a regular basis. This exercise prepares the body and mind for spiritual pursuit.
• Participating in the Quantum Healing Program.
• Participating in the Sadakion (weekly group meditation) in the centres, branches and cells, and making sincere efforts to attend workshops and other graduate programs including Alokaion (Self Empowerment Program).
• Participating in Progga Jalali.
• Participating in the Monthly Graduate Program.
• Meditating twice everyday on a regular basis.
• Donating to Quantum Charity Bank.
If you have completed the required preparations, you can apply for in the Realization Course by filling out the required form and submitting it to the centre, branch, or cell nearest to you. Participants are selected one month prior to the course. You will be informed about the next steps once you are selected.

As you can see, "Donating to Quantum Charity Bank" is listed under the conditions for spiritual improvement according to your so-called Guruji. And you are saying that you do not ask for donations from donors. That is contradictory. Unless you define asking for donations as something else other than "Donating to Quantum Charity Bank."

Unknown said...

Quantum does not believe in Foreign doner.

Limon Bhuiyan said...

Quantum Yoga

Quantum Yoga is the ultimate work-out for smart people- amazing results, with little effort. Most forms of exercise only strengthen muscles.
Quantum Yoga tones, builds and strengthens the muscles, keeps internal glands and organs healthy, makes the mind keen and alert, and initiates mental and physical healing.
Quantum Yoga is an easier, modern form of ancient yoga. The yoga that prehistoric men started practicing 5000 years ago for spiritual pursuits has now become the revolution for mind-body health in the 21st century.
After almost three decades of research and observation, the yoga meditation of Bangladesh simplified the complicated breathing procedures associated with ancient yoga, developing a type of yoga that is simpler and easier, but equally effective.
Monchhobi of health, a powerful visualization technique, is incorporated in Quantum Yoga that makes it immensely beneficial yet easy to practice. Quantum Yoga is one of the easiest and most fruitful workouts around.

To know more click Quantum

Quantum Method said...

quantummethodis the scientific process of unleashing the infinite potential of a human

being. Every individual has the inner strength to transform failure into success, illness into health, poverty into affluence and turmoil into

serenity. Quantum Method does the apparently impossible task of awakening this slumbering strength in all of us.

Regardless of whether the issue is spiritual, professional or domestic- 75 percent of all of life’s problems originate from mental complications.

When mental energy gets clogged, life gets stagnant just like cars in a traffic jam. Quantum Method unclogs the mind and enables mental energy to

flow, putting life back in its original course.
For more info:Quantum Foundation

Anonymous said...

Meditationis a mental exercise. This quiet practice increases awareness, concentration and creativity. Establishing control over the mind results in a positive attitude. Meditation enhances peace and well-being, and brings about inner awakening.
MuantummethodMeditation is a successful combination of Eastern spiritual practices and modern scientific techniques. Combining psychology with the age-old practices of the sages resulted in a method that is both easy and effective. Deep self-immersion awakens inner power. As the inner world changes so does the outer world.
QuantumOur mission is to help every human being fulfill his true potential by awakening his inner power. We are striving together to build a great compassionate community, where the value of every human life will be upheld, where every human being will be able to flourish his unique talents, enlighten his soul, prosper naturally, and live a meaningful life by serving humanity.

M.R._HIMEL said...
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Philosophy said...
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Philosophy said...

Respected Mahajatak,
I am from India. I want yo email you. Please provide your email address.